Reach up (inclusive climbing for individuals with disabilities)
Rock climbing is a great activity for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as people who have impaired mobility or limited use of their limbs. Special adaptive equipment enables people with physical challenges to climb and experience the sense of accomplishment that makes this so much fun.
Special private gym time is available for small groups of 4-8 people.
The Group Meets
Every Saturday
RockGem Climbing Center
4300 East Blue Lick Road,
Louisville, KY 40229
7:30pm – 9:30pm
We are designed to provide free sports and fitness activities for adults who have at least 48 hours clean and sober from drugs and alcohol, and who are committed to an ongoing recovery program. Donations are accepted but all services are ultimately free to anyone who qualifies based on our criteria.
Family Day
One event per quarter is offered as a family day, so that parents may bring up to two children (age 8 and up) as an opportunity to help rebuild their relationships.